Vintage painting “Noctámbulos” by Anton Goyanes, 1989

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About this vintage design furniture

O/T “Noctámbulos” Antón Goyanes, 1989 - Grupo Atlántica (Galicia) Exquisite work signed and created by Antón Goyanes. On the back it also presents the title, “Noctámbulos”, referring to the theme represented. First stage of the artist before his informalism. If it's a big-bodied scene, it weighs on its small and well-made size. This format has a direct impact on the composition, emphasizing the center of the story, allowing the protagonists to take center stage, thus decomposing the urban landscape from the two lateral cases. These are the ones that hold color, leaving the rest in gray tones, thus creating a nocturnal atmosphere. Quick and easy, but formal, these characters have a lot of personality on their face. No one has any definite secrets, which affects the idea of ​​anonymity. Led to this point, we must keep in mind the term used by the author himself "noctámbulos", "who walk through the night". The streets are deserted, the lights alight and they walk without a roar. any social event, but it is the melancholy that lights up the stage. They are characters in silence and lost in their thoughts. Antonio Goyanes Fernández (1935-) He studied at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Ourense. Later he moved to Vigo, where he worked in strictly non-plastic activities. His concentrated personality, intense cases, all-round exhibitionism, was manifested in his first works, of figurative character, based on rhythmic and geometric structures, with themes of the sea. If we were to meet at the finals of the exhibition, with individual exhibitions and presence in popular collectives, which attracted the attention of critics, then there was a sensitive, personal painter, of an intimate character, of simplified elaboration, exquisite cases. When he brought his work to the first edition of "Atlántica", in Baiona (1980), an evolution in his painting was produced, including informalism, which led to its being absolute in its quehacer. It is represented in the museums of Galicia, and in the collections of public institutions. He has a mural from his first era at the Estación Marítima de Ría, in Vigo. Goyanes is, fundamentally, a lyricist. His widened pieces, of very good material, in very well worked acrylics, are stated in pinks, golds, and worn eyes. A very thoughtful internal rhythm supports their songs, with an absolute final simplicity. The recent series, in soft blues, with amarilla and white areas, are of a beauty difficult to express in words. In contrast to the use of abstract expression, Goyanes is the delicacy, the enchantment, the joy of the simple. Atlantic Group At the beginning of the decade of the Ochenta, young, living and Pontevedrese artists such as Monroy, Huete, Antón Patiño and Menchu ​​Lamas are maturing the project of giving a boost to modern art from Galicia. In this nucleus was born the idea of ​​the Atlántica Group which revived the Atlantic culture and brought Galician painting to the international streams, in which people like Baixeras, Correa Corredoira, Armando Guerra, Goyanes, Silverio Rivas, Basallo, Manuel Moldes participated , Manuel Ruibal, Mon Vasco, Mantecón, Lamazares, Leiro, etc. Atlántica was considered an artistic group, even as a movement or a collective, an spirit of renewal that, even if the “group” was still alive, would continue to live through its members outside of it and through the people who did not participate in it , but they lived it anyway. There is no specific number and no need for integration, nor a concrete aesthetic. Therefore, we can explain these plural fundamental aesthetic and creative lines, highlighting in a first place the influence of American abstract expressionism, which will nevertheless derive in a great number of facets, such as figuration, transvanguardism, the new German expressionism… including the link to poor art or conceptual. Dimensions: 17 x 45 / 40 x 70 cm. The professional shipping package included in the delivery packages is included; and personalized shipping, with tracking number and guarantee. Reference : 302098

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70 cm
40 cm
5 cm
- Other -
Main material

delivery and return

  • Shipped from : Spain
  • Delivery time :
    • 1 week for small items
    • 2 to 5 weeks for bulky products
  • Return possible: up to 14 days after delivery

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